Wednesday, January 17, 2024

البحث الدؤوب للقلب المتألم

الحياة مليئة بالفصول وفي بعض الأوقات هذه الفصول تجلب ألم وثقل من جراء الأسئلة المبهمة. بعض الأحيان يبدو لنا الله وكأنه غائب أو غير منتبه. وإذا كنت مثلي، فتلك الأفكار تأتي مثقلة بالشعور بالذنب لأنك تعلم في قريرة نفسك أن الله لم يكن يوماً غائباً عن أبنائه، ولكن مشاعرك لن تكون دائماً متفقة مع معرفتك. في هذه الأوقات بالذات نجد التشجيع في كلمة الله.

عندما كنت أقرأ مزمور 77 في احدى المرات، كنت مذهولة من جمال الصورة التي تصف ردة فعلنا لمدى الألم الذي نشعر به. قبل أن نكمل، خذ دقيقة لقراءة المزمور من هنا.

من الوهلة الأولى يصبح واضحاً أن آساف في محنة وألم، كلماته الأولى "صَوْتِي إِلَى اللهِ فَأَصْرُخُ." تبين أن قلقه الداخلي أصبح عظيماً لدرجة أنه تُرجم الى تعبيرات صوتية. في العدد 2، نرى أن ألمه مستمرٌ في الليل وفي النهار وليس هناك راحة أو تعزية:" أَبَتْ نَفْسِي التَّعْزِيَةَ." حتى التفكير في الله يجعله يئن (العدد3)، وفي النهاية أصبح صامتاً من جراءِ حمله العظيم: "انْزَعَجْتُ فَلَمْ أَتَكَلَّمْ." عدد 4. في العدد 5 آساف يبدأ بالتفكير في الماضي البعيد ورغبته في تحويل أفكاره إلى أشياء ممتعة ومرحة خلال الوقت الصعب.

نقطة التحول كانت في العدد 6: “وَرُوحِي تَبْحَثُ." وما تلا ذلك من مجموعة من الأسئلة التي تُرينا ارتباك آساف وشكوكه: "هَلْ إِلَى الدُّهُورِ يَرْفُضُ الرَّبُّ، وَلاَ يَعُودُ لِلرِّضَا بَعْدُ؟ هَلِ انْتَهَتْ إِلَى الأَبَدِ رَحْمَتُهُ؟ انْقَطَعَتْ كَلِمَتُهُ إِلَى دَوْرٍ فَدَوْرٍ؟ هَلْ نَسِيَ اللهُ رَأْفَةً؟ أَوْ قَفَصَ بِرِجْزِهِ مَرَاحِمَهُ؟" (العدد7-9). هذه الأسئلة امتدت على سلسلة كاملة من تدقيق من هو الله. آساف افترض أن الله يقف ضده وكل أسئلته كانت عما إذا سيستمر رفض الله للأبد أم لا. لقد شك في صفات الله، تسائل عما إذا كان حب الله مؤقتاً. لقد شك في وعود الله، سائلاً عما إذا كان لها وقت انتهاء، تسائل عما إذا كان الله غائب الذهن، ظانّاً أنه من الممكن أن يكون ناسياً لحقيقة شخصه، أخيراً تساءل إذا من الممكن أن يغلق باب مراحمه بسبب غضبه.

في عدد 10 نرى استمرارية شعور آساف بالشك "فَقُلْتُ: «هذَا مَا يُعِلُّنِي: تَغَيُّرُ يَمِينِ الْعَلِيِّ» “، لقد تسائل وتوصل الى إجابة لأسئلته وهي "نعم، لقد تخلى الله عني".

ولكن آساف لا يتوقف هنا، هذه الأسئلة ما هي إلا بداية "بحثه الدؤوب"، بمجرد ما أقر بمشاعره بأن الله تخلى عنه، قد بدأ بتذكير نفسه بالحقائق التي يعرفها عن الله، مرسخاً حقيقة الله في المواقف الماضية ومستذكراً صفاته الأبدية. على الرغم من أن مشاعره قادته للتفكير بهذه الأسئلة، رفض أن يتوقف عن اكمال البحث، ولم يتخبط في شكوكه. على الرغم من ذلك، اتخذ قرار واعي بأن" أَذْكُرُ أَعْمَالَ الرَّبِّ. إِذْ أَتَذَكَّرُ عَجَائِبَكَ مُنْذُ الْقِدَمِ. وَأَلْهَجُ بِجَمِيعِ أَفْعَالِكَ، وَبِصَنَائِعِكَ أُنَاجِي." (عدد 11 و12). لمرة أخرى حوّل انتباهه الى الماضي، ولكن هذه المرة كان تركيزه محدداً ليس مجرد تذكر للماضي، بل تذكر يد الله فيه بالتحديد.

لنلاحظ أنه انتقل من مجرد كونه مستذكراً إلى أن يكون لاهجاً ومناجياً لله، بمعنى آخر هو قد استحضر أعمال الله وتفكر فيهم بعمق وبتمعن واستنتج أن " اَلَّلهُمَّ، فِي الْقُدْسِ طَرِيقُكَ." وأكمل ليسأل سؤال آخر:" أَيُّ إِلهٍ عَظِيمٌ مِثْلُ اللهِ؟" والجواب مفهوم ضمنياً وهو لا!، ركز آساف على مميزات الله العليا وعلى استقامة الله الكلية في التعامل مع البشر.

العدد 11 يسجل نقطة تحول أخرى، كما نرى آساف ينتقل من التكلم عن الله للتكلم معه، من الممكن أنها مناجاة لعظمة وقداسة الله التي ترجمت لعبادة: " أَنْتَ الإِلهُ الصَّانِعُ الْعَجَائِبَ. عَرَّفْتَ بَيْنَ الشُّعُوبِ قُوَّتَكَ." عدد 14 هو أقر واعترف بقدرة الله وعجائبه في الكشف عن نفسه ليس فقط لشعبه، بل للشعوب الأخرى أيضاً.

إكمالاً لباقي المزمور، آساف يعود لعدّ طرق معينة تصف سيادة الله على الطبيعة (عدد 16-18)، تعرض عنايته الرقيقة (عدد 20) تهيئته لخطته الخلاصية (عدد15)، في العدد 19 آساف يقر ويعترف بأن هناك أوقات يعمل فيها الله، ولكن ب “آثار لم تُعرف". ولكي يقدم المديح لله، ذكّر آساف نفسه بحقيقة أن عدم رؤية الله يعمل لا يعني أنه لا يعمل بالحقيقة.

أتمنى أنك رأيت أن مزمور 77 لا يعلمنا فقط عن الله، ولكن يعطينا خطة مفصلة عن كيف لنا أن نعتني بأرواحنا عندما نعاني من قلب متألم. يبين لنا أنه من المقبول أن نسأل وأن نشك في بعض الأحيان، ولكن علينا أن ننطلق من الشك لليقين المجيد الذي ينتظرنا على الطرف الآخر بينما نكتشف عظمة وعطف ورحمة إله السماوات. لقد علمنا أن نعظ أنفسنا بحقيقة من هو الله، أن نذكر أنفسنا بما نعرفه من خبرتنا ومن كلمته التي لا تخذلنا، تبين لنا أننا يجب أن نفكر بعمق بما فعله الله وبما يفعله لنا، اختر أن تنعم بهذه الحقائق بدل الانغماس بالألم الحالي.

صلاتي لك إذا كنت متألم اليوم، أن تجد التشجيع في مزمور آساف وأن تتبعه كمثال، وأن تقوم ببحثك الدؤوب الخاص بك لتجد سلام الله في يسوع المسيح، والذي يأتي من معرفته، تأمل أعماله العظيمة وجِد التعزية في محبته ورعايته لك. 

كتب من قبل أوليفيا باشا. ترجم من قبل ميس سلفيتي.

.This post was first published in 2020. To see the original English version, click here

هذا المنشور تم نشره أولا في 2020. لرؤية النسخة الإنجليزية الأصلية إضغط هنا.

المصدر: Cyndi Hackett. سمح بالنشر.

Monday, January 8, 2024

What You Want to Know about Life in Palestine: How It Has Changed My Opinion

Welcome to the next installment in the miniseries where I answer your questions about life in the Palestinian Territories, specifically West Bank. Unless I receive other requests for topics, this will be the last post in the series. If you missed the earlier posts on grocery shopping, Muslim/Christian relations, treatment of women and children, and major differences betweenPalestine and the United States, you can find those by clicking on each linked phrase.

Today’s post is a bit more personal, as I’ll be answering the following question from a reader:

Could you please discuss how your Western upbringing, thoughts, and ideas regarding Palestine and Palestinians differ now that you live there?

I’ve touched on this a little bit in a previous series entitled, “How I Fell in Love with an Arab,” but I’ll go a bit more in depth here. I should note before I begin that my thoughts regarding Palestinians have changed significantly, and I’m almost ashamed to admit what they were in previous seasons of my life. But I want to answer honestly, even if that means I have to share some cringe-worthy perspectives I no longer hold. All that to say, please don’t stop halfway through this one.

A number of factors influenced my opinion of Palestinians in my younger years. There was, of course, the backdrop of 9/11, which, while not directly tied to Palestinians, did affect the impression I had of them as a subset of the Arab world. September 11 was my introduction to Arabic, and when your first exposure to a language as a young girl is hearing it used to celebrate an attack on your homeland, it’s hard not to develop negative associations for that language and those who speak it. I also held the idea that Arabs surely hated me as an American.

In the following years, as the media covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the bleak and dusty images of desolate regions in the Middle East informed my understanding of that region as a whole. I was under the impression that the Middle East was a homogenous desert land with no greenery, little water, and few comforts or modern conveniences.

But while the media shaped my ideas of Palestine in a broad sense through selective portrayals of the language and broader region, it was largely the Church that most profoundly influenced my ideas of Palestinians. I grew up in a church culture that saw no distinction between the modern state of Israel and the biblical nation of Israelites, which was frequently referred to instead as “God’s chosen people.”  Verses from the Old Testament, e.g., Genesis 12:3 (“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;”), which was spoken to Abraham (then Abram) when God first called him to journey to Canaan, were applied to the modern political state of Israel. Such an application did much to instill fear. In no way must I be against Israel, criticize them, or even think ill of them, or I would be in danger of bringing a curse on myself. If I forsook “God’s chosen people,” I would be forsaking God Himself. And who wants to be on God’s bad side?

So who were the Palestinians in this narrative? They were the children of Ishmael, the “bad, unchosen” son, the one who resented Isaac, the “good” son of promise. (Cringing here, but I press on…) And what were they doing today? They were persisting in their ancestor’s supposed animosity toward “God’s chosen people.” Conveniently ignored were the passages that stated God’s promise to/regarding Ishmael to bless him and make him a great nation, his participation in the covenant of circumcision, the reality of God’s being with him, and the apparent lack of ill-will between Ishmael and Isaac when they were grown (see Genesis 16:10, 17:20, 17:23, 21:13, 21:18, 21:20, and 25:9). 

Instead, the only verse regarding Ishmael that seemed to matter was Genesis 17:12, “He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen” (ESV), or as the NIV translation says, “he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” This particular interpretation of that one verse was applied not only to Ishmael but to Arabs generally and Palestinians specifically and was held forth as the simple explanation for why there was still (and always would be) conflict in the Holy Land and in the Middle East at large. Why were Palestinians fighting Jews (not Israelis, mind you, but Jews)? Because they were descendants of Ishmael and destined to rage against God’s chosen people, plain and simple. (I wish I was kidding, but I’m not.)

That was the theological world I grew up in. Add to that the fact that the only Palestinians I heard about were those on the news who were called “terrorists,” and you can start to see how I had an entirely negative view of Palestinians. Keep in mind that I had never personally met a single Palestinian (maybe not even a single Arab) the entire first two decades of my life.

But as I’ve written about in the “How I Fell in Love with an Arab” series, all that began to change in college when God graciously began working on my heart and opening my eyes to see Palestinians through His. The first Palestinian I ever saw/heard from in person was a Christian man from Bethlehem. (See this post for more about that.) The second was another Christian man—who would become my husband. In some ways suddenly and in some ways slowly, through those two encounters my ideas and feelings regarding Palestinians began to change.

I began to learn Arabic before I moved, and the process of learning the language, as well as the reality of being immersed in it after moving, took away my guttural fear of hearing it spoken. Now I see and hear the intricate beauty of the language (even as I still throw up my hands in frustration sometimes at how difficult it can be for an English-speaking brain to learn).

The incredibly welcoming and hospitable atmosphere in Palestine was not what I expected. Even now, I have people from back home warn me about seeming “too American” in fear for my safety, but I have never experienced any animosity personally directed at me as a foreigner, especially an American one, and I have not felt the ingrained hatred for Americans that I had assumed all Arabs held. (On the contrary, I have experienced the affectionate qualities of Arab culture, which you can read more about here.)

Upon my first visit to Palestine, and even more-so after moving, I realized that the dusty images on the news had very little in common with the rich beauty of the topography, flora, and fauna of this region. (Although there is still way more dust than I was used to!) I also started to internalize the geography of the Middle East and realize just how distinct each country and its culture is from the others. (In case you didn’t know, Iraq and Afghanistan are very far away from us—and Afghanistan isn’t even an Arab country!) Far from the third-world status I had envisioned, Palestine revealed itself to be full of modernity, and I thought on my first visit that it even reminded me of Europe.

As I began to meet Christian Palestinians, many of whom were exponentially more passionate and outspoken about their faith than most American Christians I knew, I began to realize just how much the American Church was missing by ignoring the lives of these brothers and sisters and how much that must hurt God’s heart. On top of that, it dawned on me that it seems unlikely that God would curse those who are in Christ, so how did Palestinian Christians who spoke out against Israel fit into the narrative of my upbringing? And why were they speaking against Israel, anyway? Could it be that they (and by implication non-Christian Palestinians) had reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with their genetics?

Furthermore, if “God’s chosen people” were oppressing God’s redeemed, Blood-bought people, did I really think God wouldn’t care about that or would forsake His Blood-bought children in favor of His chosen people, even if His chosen people were forsaking Him by rejecting Christ? In other words, would He overlook the suffering of those in Christ who were suffering at the hands of people who are not in Christ?

Once I moved to Palestine and began understanding and experiencing firsthand the real reasons why Palestinians (of all religions) push back against Israel, God grew in me a deeper compassion for them and continued to convict me that I should care about injustice against any of His image-bearers, regardless of whether they are my brothers and sisters in Christ or not. Do I agree with or condone every action of every Palestinian? Goodness no. No more than I do for my own country’s people. Suffering injustice does not give anyone the right to inflict injustice on others. But now neither do I condone every action of every Israeli under the impression that they are somehow specially favored and thus beyond criticism. Again, suffering injustice does not give anyone the right to inflict injustice on others.

So now, instead of looking at Palestinians as a homogenous group of faceless, nameless people, reduced to mindlessly living out one description of one of their ancestors, I see neighbors; I see family; I see friends. Now I know actual people with actual lives who commit actual acts of good or evil, who receive actual treatment that is just or unjust. Now I have experienced the difficulties of life in this ongoing conflict. Now I have family who have lived through decades of unthinkable circumstances. Now I know the true stories of a whole other set of image-bearers of God.

I recognize it is only by the grace of God that I have come from where I was to where I am now. His grace has pardoned my prejudice, instructed my ignorance, and forgiven my faults. He has taken me from a place of blinded partiality to a place of clear-eyed compassion, not only for all those who live in this land but also for the many who remain in the mindset where I once was. I firmly believe that God blesses us to be a blessing to others, and I pray that He uses the work He has done in my own life to help others along the same journey of breaking down the walls in their own hearts and minds and seeing the people of the Holy Land as He does—with love.

To God be the glory, great things he has done!

So loved he the world that he gave us his Son,

who yielded his life an atonement for sin,

and opened the life-gate that all may go in.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord,

Let the earth hear his voice!

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

Let the people rejoice!

O come to the Father through Jesus the Son

and give him the glory, great things he has done!

~Fanny Crosby

PC: Mais Salfiti. Used with permission.